New Vietnam Chemicals Decree will come into force in September 2017
Vietnam’s new chemical control regulation is expected to be adopted on 7 August 2017 and to come into force in September 2017. The draft of this new law has now been submitted to the WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade.
The new law replaces the 2007 Law on Chemicals, which provides regulations on safety in chemical handling, right and obligations of organisations and individuals engaged in chemical handling, and state management of chemical handling.
The Draft “Decree Detailing and Guiding a Number of Articles of Law on Chemicals” contains 39 articles, covering registration of chemicals, chemical inspection, and chemical safety. It also contains the following lists of chemicals as appendices:
Chemicals subject to conditional production
Chemicals subject to business restrictions
Prohibited chemicals
Chemicals that must be declared
Source: Chemtracglobal