2g@there Kick-off Meeting 29 Aug 2011
Kick-off meeting for all participants in 2g @ there program - Vietnam Oil & Gas, is an internal meeting. Registration before August 25, 2011, and ID is required to access EVD building.
29 Aug 2011: 2g@there Kick-off Meeting , Auditorium, EVD, The Hague
Last year, Vietnam Consult & Trading BV (VCT) has set up 2g@there project for suppliers in energy sector. There About 20 companies and institutions are taking part in this program.
In mid-July 2011, Agentschap NL has decided to grant us this subsidy. This program will be implemented over the next three years by VCT.
The exhibition "Vietnam Oil and Gas" and trade mission are some of the activities have been approved and funded in the proposal. The Advisory Group has decided to participate in this exhibition in combination with a trade mission to Vietnam. During the exhibition, the informal Vietnam Oil & Gas consortium in Vietnam will be launched.
Vietnam Consult & Trading BV (VCT) invites you to participate in Vietnam Oil & Gas and Energy Trade Mission to Vietnam from 25/10 to 02/11/2011. This exhibition and mission are activities under the 2g@there program - Vietnam Oil & Gas, co-sponsored by NL EVD International.
Kick-off meeting for all participants in 2g @ there program - Vietnam Oil & Gas, is an internal meeting before the officially launch in late September, during seminar Oil & Gas and the visit of Vietnamese Prime Minister to the Netherlands. Registration before August 25, 2011, and ID is required to access EVD building.
Date: August 29, 2011, at Auditorium, EVD, The Hague.
14.00 Opening & Introduction, Jim Broens, AMET
14.05 - 14.15 Introduction 2g@there program Vietnam Oil and Gas, Rene Beerepoot, EVD
14.15 - 15.25 Presentation of plan of activities September 2011 - April 2012, Hanh Do, VCT
14.25 - 14.35 Presentation of Management Board (tasks/ responsibilities), corporate identity (logo, website,
14.35 - 14.40 Benefits for participants / new members rules
14.40 - 15.15 Discussion, questions / answers
15.15 - 15.20 Closing
15.30 - 17.00 Networking Drinks